Formulas and Grammars¶
Parsing formulas¶
In Mathesis, formulas are represented as objects.
Formulas are parsed from strings using grammars (languages, syntax).
is a basic grammar with a standard set of symbols for propositional and quantified logic:
for negation,∧
for conjunction,∨
for disjunction,→
for conditional.- Arbitrary symbols are allowed for atomic formulas.
For example, ¬(A→C)
is parsed as a negation of a conditional of two atomic formulas A
and C
from mathesis.grammars import BasicGrammar
grammar = BasicGrammar()
fml = grammar.parse("¬(A→C)")
print(fml, repr(fml))
¬(A→C) Neg[Cond[Atom[A], Atom[C]]]
The symbols
option allows you to customize some symbols used in the grammar.
from mathesis.grammars import BasicGrammar
grammar = BasicGrammar(symbols={"conditional": "⊃"})
fml = grammar.parse("¬(A⊃C)")
print(fml, repr(fml))
¬(A→C) Neg[Cond[Atom[A], Atom[C]]]
It accepts a list of formulas as well.
from mathesis.grammars import BasicGrammar
grammar = BasicGrammar()
fmls = grammar.parse(["¬(A→C)", "B∨¬B", "(((A∧B)))"])
print([str(fml) for fml in fmls], repr(fmls))
['¬(A→C)', 'B∨¬B', 'A∧B'] [Neg[Cond[Atom[A], Atom[C]]], Disj[Atom[B], Neg[Atom[B]]], Conj[Atom[A], Atom[B]]]
Constructing formula objects directly¶
is the base class for all formulas.
from mathesis.forms import Negation, Conjunction, Disjunction, Conditional, Atom
fml = Negation(Conditional(Atom("A"), Atom("C")))
print(fml, repr(fml))
¬(A→C) Neg[Cond[Atom[A], Atom[C]]]
New connectives can be defined by subclassing Formula
Custom grammars¶
While there is no restriction in the way that a formula string is translated into a formula object, by default Mathesis uses lark
for parsing.
Using lark, you can define arbitrary grammars in EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur Form) notation.
For example, here is a simple grammar for first-order classical logic:
from mathesis.grammars import Grammar
class MyGrammar(Grammar):
grammar_rules = r"""
?fml: conjunction
| disjunction
| conditional
| negation
| universal
| particular
| atom
| _subfml
PREDICATE: /\w+/ | "⊤" | "⊥"
TERM: /\w+/
atom : PREDICATE ("(" TERM ("," TERM)* ")")?
negation : "¬" _subfml
conjunction : (conjunction | _subfml) "∧" _subfml
disjunction : (disjunction | _subfml) "∨" _subfml
conditional : _subfml "→" _subfml
_unary : negation | necc | poss | universal | particular
_subfml : "(" fml ")" | _unary | atom
%import common.WS
%ignore WS